Nothing is impossible in life... So,Think positive... Because, Thoughts are like the steering wheel that moves our life in the right directions, It generates positive feelings and attract positive life experiences, So start your day with a new positivity every single day And no negative thoughts are allowed here...
Thursday, 18 February 2016
A new day comes with new thoughts & new strength...
don't be hesitate of others saying just give your best because what you plant today, you will harvest it later for sure...
if your determination to succeed is strong enough....In order to succeed you must first believe that you can....!
Friday, 12 February 2016
No one is weak
Outward appearance are sometimes deceptive. A snake has a glossy body, but it is one of the most dreaded reptiles... similarly, wicked men may be very handsome to looked at ....
Secure nation
A nation whose people are not hard-working can never become self must develop the quality of self-help as individual & also as a nation! !
Be energetic
The wise thing is not to put off till tomorrow what we cn do today...becoz it's easy to control a disease in the beginning but it can become chronic if it is not controlled in time....
Saturday, 6 February 2016
Joy of success
However mean our life may be , if we face it bravely nd honestly and try to make the best of it, we shall find that after all it is not so bad as we thought nd we may havs our times of happiness nd the joy of success
A great deal of talent is lost in the world for the want of a little courage...There r many people who have real talent in different lines nd yet who nvr accomplish anything, becoz they r afraid to make the first venture; nd in this way good & useful things r lost to the world
So, a reasonable amount of confidence in one's own powers is necessary for Success...
Friday, 5 February 2016
Kindness makes you the most beautiful person in the world no matter what you look likee...
Be feArless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on FIRE!
Quote by Nelson
A well said lines by Nelson Mandela :-"There is no passion founD playing small in settling for a life...that is less than the one you are
CApable of living...."
Thursday, 4 February 2016
Nothing ever becomes real till it is experienced...even a proverb is no proverb to uh till your life has illustrated it...
own identity
And identifiable for others....Create your own STYLE....let it be unique for yourself