Friday, 30 March 2018

My LifeLine ❤

When I was all alone..
Searching for a mate,
Almighty! Brings up a ray of endurance.
That’s the day to behold my real happiness;
Yeah! you made me realize,
You made me learn how to smile;
Gone are the days, when I lived alone..
It’s time to create unforgettable memories.
We’re the slice of the same DNA,
that makes us unique, flows in our veins.
Circumstances may change tomorrow,
But your precedence will remain selfsame..
The moment my eyes laid rest on you,
I knew I’d found my love so true.
My partner in crimes ?
or The key witness in convictions?
You’re My Heartbeat..!! 
That means the WORLD to me...!!

Tuesday, 13 March 2018

A glance at mother.. ❤

She is an AnGel in life,
Someone's mother ,sister or wife.
She goes beyond the trench of pain,
Withstanding scorching sun and rain.
A mother gives her neonate,
Tactic jewels to the starlets,
Her love is perpetually unconditional,
Her heart has no counsel.
Her amour is approved by God,
By his hand she conceived the mold.
Her love is salubrious,
It's the fruit that dine our essence.
There's nothing she can't handle!
She's the burning candle, widening lucent;
Pushing darkness away, inviting to be fulgent.
She's is a lioness, don't mess with her;
She'll not relent you If you're a prankster.
She always put herself at menace,
She's real not fake..
Value her, Love her,
She's your UNIVERSE..!!

Thursday, 8 March 2018

Looking for happiness ??

Is it too slavish to be jubilant ??
Ever looked upon the reason ?
Happiness doesn't need to come from other people or from what's happening in your life. It's all about perspective and your own vibes. Nothing can stay same eternally. You may always have some grievance witihin you. There's always gonna be something that will not be perfect about your life, but you can choose not to focus on negative things and just realize that every little thing can bring joy to your life. Even if a random stranger smiles at you, if you got good grades on exams, if you see a friend after soo long. All these things can make you realize that you've soo many things that can be grateful for, just by paying attention of what's going around you.  You yourself can decide how you want to feel. Happiness comes within you, and no one else can give you that. It's not something that you can get from another person. It all depends on YOU, your mood lifts and your own vibes.. !!

Thursday, 1 March 2018

Stay KIND !!

The world is already drowning in so much negativity...
Be the person they didn’t anticipate,
Yeah! It aids to BE KIND...!!
Stay kind because it is so easy to stay cruel and selfish today,
but To stay kind takes courage and firmness..
People can do anything to ruin the kindness in you,
But that should not fear you..;
Stay kind because from where you brew this kindness, you’ll make strength, determination &  much more.
Stay kind..
When times are smooth;
When times are prohibitive..;
Mould your kindness into a shape, which can’t be changed in any circumstance.
Paint it like your canvas.. Use it as your weapon..
Stay kind and let this kindness sparkle light on the good as well as on the bad.
Stay kind to those who are kind to you,
Especially, stay kind to the unkind because you might be the person who gives them a second thought on why they choose to be unkind.
Let the beauty of your kindness blossom,
Let the strangers walking by stop to admire it..
Stay kind... not because you think it’ll make the world a better place,
Stay kind because it’ll make your world a better place...!!