Sunday, 15 July 2018

Imperfections like a candle 🔥

You are more than just a merely lit candle flame who is waiting to take it's last breath as it melts to death. 
You are more than that melting wax which still glows for others knowing that it will die.
You are more than the base where the candle resides, which helps it to stand knowing that the only gratitude it will receive is burns. 
You are more than hot silver blade scarring with which you draw and the image turn red. 
How can you being someone so perfect feel so insecure?
How can you be so loving but still hate your own guts?
How can you be so strong yet draw on your arms and watch the blood flow, yet be satisfied marking your imperfections ?
Your are not perfect. Your imperfections makes you human. 
You're the flame strong enough to make the world bright for the ones you love.
You're the wax with an iron heart who is melting but still standing strong.
You're more than the candle's base supporting a way to light the world.
You're beautiful human with your imperfections like a candle.
 It has its good as well as bad times. It shows us light in the dark and disappears leaving darkness in our hearts. But as we say, everyone has their own way of observing things;
You may compare yourself to the dying candle or the candle being a source of light. 
You can be your own voice, after all it's your choice..!!

Sunday, 1 July 2018

Mind your inner peace ❤

Let’s go back from where we started;
Let’s go back from where we created differences;
What is the need to be so tensed or put pressure on our mind?
Just because of the fact that people will judge. They might have questions on you for what you’re choosing. If you are satisfied and at peace, nothing really matters. You know what you are doing and you are ready to face both good and bad consequences of it in life. So, just breathe and relax!
Everything will be sorted one day or the other. You can’t figure out things right now but you will be able to identify in future and may be that outcome will be better than what you’ve imagined but on right time. You will settle in all aspects of life but as it all goes don’t put stress on your mind the most essential part that can affect your physical as well as mental well being. Because you might gain all the things you want right now but you’ll lose peace for lifetime. There are countless benefits of inner peace.
For example:- A sense of inner happiness and bliss. 
Better concentration ability. 
More patience, tolerance and tact. 
Freedom from stress and anxieties, and many more.
  So, when life is good, make sure you enjoy and receive it fully and when there are some bad moments, remember that it will not last forever. The real peace resides only within YOU..!!