Monday, 21 November 2016

What you beleive in will make who you are:

In life, no one can brand someone or even oneself as unlucky, there is nothing called unlucky person, unlucky hour or unlucky anything, its just what you believe. Such thoughts can only take control of people who believe in it.
In life don’t get scared of the word failure even if it happens continuously because when you make effort and perform better than the best every time, you are a winner.Never get tired of giving your best each time,one day you are sure to achieve something big.
Don’t start believing, when people say negative things about you. Just believe in your capabilities. Don’t be your own enemy. If you don’t believe in yourself then who will?
Don’t ever tell yourself I am not clever enough to do it. If you say so, it only means you are lazy to think and do it. You are clever, you just need to scoop it out and use it.

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