Friday, 28 April 2017


Believing in yourself is such an important part of being happy and living a fulfilled life. Remind yourself daily that you are courageous and capable of doing whatever it is you set your mind to. Don't let anything or anyone make you feel inferior...YOU are in control, not them!

Monday, 24 April 2017

A better morning

Ever had one of those mornings where nothing goes right? Don't let that define your entire day...take a moment and regroup. Take a couple deep breaths and realign your thoughts and allow yourself to get back in the groove. Too many people allow their entire day to be ruined because of something that happens in the morning and it doesn't have to be that way! Fill your mind with good thoughts and your day will be better

Tuesday, 18 April 2017

Be YOU !!

We are all magnificently different beings. There is no"one size fits all" rule for living life. What works for me may or may not work for you. It's our job to discover what feels best for us and have the courage to live that life. There is nothing worse than thinking you haveto be a certain way to fit in. Find what works for you and feel the joy that comes from it! BE YOU!

Monday, 17 April 2017

Replace limiting thoughts

Do you look at your life through eyes of excitement, or limiting thoughts? Do you wake up in the morning ready for all things possible or do you tell yourself what you can't do? Fear will keep you from living your best's limiting and paralyzing. Replace limiting thoughts with thoughts of excitement and anticipation. Get excited about your life and live large!

Thursday, 13 April 2017

Walk away

What do you do when you work with a disrespectful and rude person? You ignore them and keep being yourself! You remind yourself that a person who spends their time demeaning others has far bigger and deeper problems. Smile, walk away and remember that life is too short to deal with jerks!

Tuesday, 11 April 2017

Make a commitment

Don't let a problem or a problem person consume your thoughts. Do what you can then rise above it and live your life. There is no benefit in rehashing the problems...all that does is drain your positivity. Make a commitment to being the best you can be and move on. Protect your energy from being forced by the people those creates a problem to you !

Sunday, 9 April 2017

It's your choice

Once you have started seeing the beauty of life, ugliness starts disappearing..
 If you start looking at life with joy, sadness starts disappearing.
It's the matter of your own choice not what's others says about you is right for you.
Have the capabilities of differentiating.
You cannot have heaven and hell together, you can have only one.
 It is your choice to go ahead which way !!

Saturday, 8 April 2017

No one can control you

No matter what's going on around you, no matter what others are doing or saying,
 YOU are still in control of your own happiness your own thoughts! Never allow a negative person or a negative situation take your happiness away. YOU are the only one who can allow that to happen. Rise above the negativity and stand tall in your personal happiness..have the spirit of yeah i can do !!

Friday, 7 April 2017

A beautiful heart

A beautiful heart and soul are far more important than a beautiful face or body. Matter a fact, some of the most beautiful people I know don't have perfect figures or faces fit for the cover of a magazine. Their beauty shines from deep within giving them far more depth of beauty. Stop worrying about the shape of your body and focus on the beauty of your heart. Let that beauty wash over your face and shine brightly!

look for the good

Stop looking for reasons why something went wrong and start looking for the good. Sometimes things happen to get us to look at life differently. Just because a situation didn't turn out the way you wanted it to doesn't make it bad or wrong. Things happens also have some particular reason hide behind it..Open your mind and heart to the changes and see where you can benefit !!

Wednesday, 5 April 2017

life is meant to be lived

 Be passionate about your life....allow yourself to really love everything about your life. It's so easy to fall in a rut and become bored with life..shake it up and put some excitement back in your life! Life is meant to be it to the may not get the same chance boldly!

Negativity Alert !!

Negativity can creep into your personality and slowly change you without you noticing.
 It happens over time, with no forewarning. Don't give negative people the power to infiltrate your positivity! Take a stand and block them from stealing your happiness. Negative people are the ones who snipe at others, complain, and constantly look for what's wrong with life. Set them don't need what they are offering!

Sunday, 2 April 2017

Watch your mood lift

 Be aware of your thoughts...they are powerful and set the tone for your day.
Fill your mind with uplifting, positive thoughts and watch your mood lift!
 There are two ways to look at every is positive and one is negative
 but get in the habit of always looking for the positive!
Life is too short to be miserable!!

Saturday, 1 April 2017


 We are all magnificently different beings. There is no "one size fits all" rule for living life. There may be different situations for all. What works for you may or may not work for others. It's our job to discover what feels best for us and have the courage to live that life. There is nothing worse than thinking you have to be a certain way to fit in. Find what works for you and feel the joy that comes from it!