Saturday, 29 July 2017

Cherish the good & remove the bad

Time flies, and memories fade..People change and new friendships are made..;
Only the true remain forever at our side...Eventually the disappointment and

 pain will subside..;
It is all about the journey and what has yet to come.
Life is what you make of it; you are what you've become.
Life is too short to hold onto regrets...;
Forgiveness is key even though you may never forget.
Cherish the good and remove the bad...
Some people don't realize till it's gone what they've had.
Moving on is a way of life....!!
There will always be obstacles, pain, and strife.
You must believe that you are strong enough to fight.
You have to believe in yourself to do what is right. 
Always do for YOU no matter what you do,
Because in the end the only one who has your back is YOU..!!

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