Sunday, 31 December 2017

Change will make difference 😇

Change is the universal law...
You’ve to change with time..,
No matter what the situation is,
You’ve to change with the situation. You’ve to change with your requirements..!!
 Always try to change yourself for good reasons.. Not for wrong deeds..
It will always bring you unhappiness and discontentment.
Always try to change yourself before make a change to others..
Change yourself internally,
But never change yourself externally. Change your mindsets for good. Change your perspectives for good. Change your thoughts for good. Change your ideas for good.
Change your plans for good.
Change your decisions for good. Change your works for good.
Change your deeds for good.
A step wise
Never get afraid to change yourself for good, because only your good change will bring a huge difference in this world... !!

Friday, 22 December 2017

Trust your footsteps !! ✌

You're not always going to get it, sweet soul !! 
The purpose.. for what comes at you in this life. For what is taken from you & given to you. You're not always going to understand why some people and things stay with you & others are ripped from your grasp. You're going to have multiple questions..Tears... Dreams.. Fears and Hope.. You're going to be certain and unsure - strong & weak and everything in between. Sometimes all at once, but it's okay...; ðŸ˜‡
It may look like everyone has it all together but trust me it just looks that way. We're all out here trying to understand what we've done- what we're chasing - what it all means.. we're all writing our chapters, looking back a little too often but hoping like hell, it's all going to be Alright in the end. So, here's to life.. 
💫 Here's to not knowing what it all means but trusting our intentions. The brave heart standing out there in the middle of the darkness.. ðŸŒ“
Trusting your footsteps, ðŸ‘£
Believe in Yesterday,Today & Tomorrow 
It's going to be a spanking life.. !! ðŸ’¥