Friday, 22 December 2017

Trust your footsteps !! ✌

You're not always going to get it, sweet soul !! 
The purpose.. for what comes at you in this life. For what is taken from you & given to you. You're not always going to understand why some people and things stay with you & others are ripped from your grasp. You're going to have multiple questions..Tears... Dreams.. Fears and Hope.. You're going to be certain and unsure - strong & weak and everything in between. Sometimes all at once, but it's okay...; 😇
It may look like everyone has it all together but trust me it just looks that way. We're all out here trying to understand what we've done- what we're chasing - what it all means.. we're all writing our chapters, looking back a little too often but hoping like hell, it's all going to be Alright in the end. So, here's to life.. 
💫 Here's to not knowing what it all means but trusting our intentions. The brave heart standing out there in the middle of the darkness.. 🌓
Trusting your footsteps, 👣
Believe in Yesterday,Today & Tomorrow 
It's going to be a spanking life.. !! 💥

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