Saturday, 17 February 2018

Is it okay??

Everybody needs to be told "it's okay.."
It's ok if you can't achieve everything,
It's ok if no one understands you,
It's ok that you're finding it hard to make friends,
It's ok that you failed your exam,
It's ok that you're nervous on your first day at work,
It's ok that you can't buy that white pair of shoes,
It's ok that you can't buy your Favorite brands,
It's ok that you're not yet where you want to be..
It's ok that you're hurting and haven't move on,
It's okay... It's totally fine ;
You have got days and weeks and years ahead of you to make things better, to do stuff that makes you happy. It might not happen as soon as you want it to but one day, it will be.. Accept the fact that good things take time and as long as you work hard for it, it's not impossible. Right now, tell yourself, it's okay that you're taking time because when that moment comes, it will be worth it...!!

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