Sunday, 30 December 2018

Update yourself for the new beginning 👍

Everyone has a "New Year, New Me"  kind of persona when it comes to celebrate the end of the year and the beginning of a new one, but no one really acts upon it though, it's a complete bashfulness(shame).
It's a new year and you do have to reinvent yourself in ways never thought possible. Start by forgiving yourself for all the flaws in your life and then forgiving others. Once you feel content with yourself, that's when it's time for you to transform, make this new year's a chance to become a better version of yourself and actually put some efforts into it, otherwise you're going to  be dealing with same old issues, constantly, throughout the duration of your lifetime if nothing is done about it.
Make sure you push yourself to do things you never thought of doing before, because if you don't explore the world around you and are stuck in a bubble of your comfort, then you're not living your life.
Let this year, be the year you start working on your weak spots, instead of fortifying them.
Let this year, be the year you become who you ought to be, even if it means turning back and returning to square one.
Let this year, be the year you focus the limelight on the nicer parts. There will be days you just can't do life, but embrace even those moments. Don't let them blemish your zeal.
Make this new year's a day where you begin to explore yourself, learn to understand your feelings & your emotions and take control of every aspect of your life.