Saturday, 23 May 2020


As we all know, most of us are taught to study and grow up in one direction or field of work, 
Would you like to be the jack of all trades or wants to master the same field only?
I just felt that it’s okay if one wants to try new things. 
It’s more than okay if one's not completely sure about what you are doing right now,
It’s totally fine if one wants to leave some things behind to venture into new possibilities. 
You want to switch from Arts to Science or vice versa? 
You want to drop your job for an NGO or make a living while travelling? 
You want to come out from your boring engineering lectures for your own desires ? 
There's a long lasting list at some point of time in everyone's life.
Make it work...
But, It won’t happen as fast as you expect it to be, 
Always keep your mind on it and do something, anything and follow it everyday that will keep it alive.
One should not waste this life in fear of losing instead lose that fear out that keeping you away from achieving it. 
There will be some moments when you might feel like you're nothing ,
 that's all because of the sadness that you had let in. 
But you don't have to give up because this life is very enormous and you're a part of this universe which has it's own ways of teaching. 
Keep in mind, things never stay the same forever. 
People will change..
Seasons will change..
Places will change..
Relations will change.. 
Priorities will change..
But YOU'RE determined..!!
Have a Look inside your soul for a while and you  will find your own ways. 
Because knowing YOURSELF is the greatest gift you could give to yourself..!!


  1. Great thought and its never too late what you want to be....

  2. Exactly ..always be determine to ur passion ..nice

  3. You're so best with your words

  4. Such great concept ❤❤ really very well penned

  5. wekl written!!😊😇Your writings are always thoughtful.

  6. Nicely put down ! One should keep exploring one’s potential in different areas and when the right field is met, then become the master in it. Keep it up!
