Thursday, 24 November 2016

Are you ready?

Don’t back off, move forward, you can do it.
One of the reason for not moving forward is that at times we look from afar and think we can’t reach there to attain success. Everything will look scary and unattainable from outside, but once you enter in you will start to pass hurdle after hurdle without getting tired and you will start enjoying making all possible effort and will definitely attain victory. Initially you may feel as if someone pushed you inside a lion’s den, or as if in a lonely planet all on your own, but don’t worry you will make it. Decide to enter the battle field and fight. You can win only if you are ready to fight.

Wednesday, 23 November 2016

Do you want to achieve ?

Sometimes the problem in achieving is our lethargy and physical weakness. At times we need to push ourself beyond the boundaries, and overcome those weakness, if we want to achieve. We see examples of students who walk many miles every day to get educated, people who sit and learn under street lights, those who starve of hunger but still sit and learn, people who work day and night, those scientists and those people in top positions today. They didn’t give way to lethargy or physical weakness. They wanted to achieve, they wanted to make their lives better. They didn’t have any option, but had to work hard to be where they are now. If you are serious about achieving, you will push yourself beyond your boundaries without convincing yourself telling some excuses for not working hard. It is up to you to decide how far are you willing get out of your comfort zone to achieve what you want in life.

Life is all about..

Life is all about
Compromising at times, Tolerating at times,
Staying calm at times, fighting back at times,
Taking risk at times and letting it go at times, But
Always be watchful, thoughtful, helpful and listen to your instinct.
Remember to keep your emotions under control.
when someone tries to pull you down,act wisely and play it safe.
Don't get deceived or deceive others.
Try not to hold a grudge with someone because that will spoil your peace of mind.
When problems arise never panic and lose hope but think calmly and seek God’s guidance, you will find a way out.
Don’t regret too much about something because certain things are beyond our control.
There’s nothing called the end but it’s just a new beginning.
Don’t keep on thinking but start doing.
We can’t plan everything but we can react sensibly.
Never let your strength become your weakness.
There’s nothing called a perfect life but there is definitely a happy life.
Be happy and make people around you happy too.
Life is short and beautiful, so make the best use of it.

Live your life successfully

In life you need to react sensibly;
If you don’t want to suffer terribly;
Remember to work steadily;
To live your life successfully.
There is no use worrying about a situation;
You need to find a solution;
There will always be some distraction;
But you work hard with determination.
There are situations which can’t be changed;
But you don’t get discouraged;
Always keep yourself engaged;
If you don’t want to feel caged.
In life, you need to learn how to cope;
And never ever lose your hope;
You need to grow up;
If you don’t want to be blown up.

Tuesday, 22 November 2016

Sometimes I wish

Sometimes I wish I could turn back time but then I realised that I am trying to cling on to something that is no more.
Sometimes I wish I could stop the time then I realised that I don’t want to put my life on hold and that moving forward is learning and achieving.
Sometimes I wish I could forward the time but then I realised that I am trying to run away from reality.
But now I wish to see each day as a new blessing and be happy and that I don’t want to live in an imaginary world. Life is what we do, so I want to be better than my best everyday and face my life with courage and live with determination.

Just be yourself

There are two selves. The inner self and the outer self. The inner self knows everything, it teaches us how to live, what is right, it makes a clear decision. It likes to be itself and be happy.
The outer self easily gets enticed, confused and is surrounded by fear mainly fear of rejection. The outer self is always worried about how it looks like to people around, so it goes against the will of the inner self and projects itself as someone to the world.
When we don’t believe in our inner self we seek guidance, we like to hear it out from someone and get convinced.
Only when you live according to the conviction of your inner self you can lead a happy life and do things whole heartedly. So just be your self.

learn to respect others

It’s ok if you can’t motivate or encourage others, but
Never take away their confidence and self-worth;
It’s ok if you can’t wish good for others, but
Never wish bad things;
It’s ok if you can’t empathize or sympathize for others, but
Never be happy when they are going through bad times;
It’s ok if you can’t contribute towards someone’s growth, but
Never ruin their efforts;
It’s ok if you can't help others but
Never create problems;
it’s ok if you can't be happy when someone is happy ,but
Never be sad for it;
It’s ok if you can't use kind words but
Never use harsh words;
It’s ok when you can't give hope for others, but
Never build a mountain of hope, trust and break it into pieces.

To survive in this ruthless world

No matter how many times you fall rise up every time with more energy and enthusiasm;
No matter how hard the situations are never lose heart, just keep going till you reach your destination;
Always anticipate the problems around you;
Be ready to face challenges without fear;
Plan everything carefully and be ready to act sensibly to any unforeseen situations;
No matter how much embarrassment you face, just walk upright as if nothing happened;
No matter how much ever your foes try to pull you down and attack you emotionally, don’t panic, just stay focussed;
Nothing is impossible if you have the courage, determination and put in 100% of everything, which will give u success.
Remember life is once make a place for you in this busy world.

It's better to be alone

Don’t be naive and be around someone or people who doesn't want you. Don’t give anyone an opportunity to push you. It is better to be alone than to remain unwanted to someone. Don’t lose your self -respect and keep on knocking. At times loneliness helps us to discover who we are and makes us strong and will teach us the way and give us the determination to soar up high.
You don’t need someone’s acceptance or approval to be happy, just be happy the way you are. It is essential for every person to learn to be happy on their own.t

Monday, 21 November 2016

What you beleive in will make who you are:

In life, no one can brand someone or even oneself as unlucky, there is nothing called unlucky person, unlucky hour or unlucky anything, its just what you believe. Such thoughts can only take control of people who believe in it.
In life don’t get scared of the word failure even if it happens continuously because when you make effort and perform better than the best every time, you are a winner.Never get tired of giving your best each time,one day you are sure to achieve something big.
Don’t start believing, when people say negative things about you. Just believe in your capabilities. Don’t be your own enemy. If you don’t believe in yourself then who will?
Don’t ever tell yourself I am not clever enough to do it. If you say so, it only means you are lazy to think and do it. You are clever, you just need to scoop it out and use it.

Power of Don't

Don’t is a harsh word, but if we don’t tell our self what we need to do in various situations, we will end up in trouble.
Don’t be scared to say No.
don’t feel shy to say yes.
Don’t be lazy to help.
Don’t be ambiguous when you communicate.
Don’t take relationships for granted.
Don’t do something just ordinary, but do something extraordinary.
Don’t repeat the same mistake.
Don’t be reluctant to do the things that you have to do.
Don’t be in a hurry all the time to tell what you want to do, or what you think.
Don’t tell all your secrets when you are in a good mood or in a bad mood.
Don’t underestimate yourself in front of anyone.
Don’t plunge into conclusion without understanding.
Don’t do something against your will.
Don’t wear a mask and cheat yourself and others.

No problem talking to strangers

You have no problem talking to strangers but when the conversation is just small talk you’d rather just go back to being alone.
You can hold a conversation for the most part, but small talk doesn’t keep your brain engaged in the conversation. Small talk is light and fun, but we like more deep conversations. Not to say we won’t ever engage in small talk, because we do, that’s part of life, but we always try to push it a little bit further and dig deeper. We want to the conversation to lead to us actually getting to know the person.