Thursday, 23 November 2017

Believe in YOURSELF !! ❣

Put together your favorite books, poems, movies and songs.
You will see how perfectly they reflect the deepest and best part of you.. The part of you that longs for freedom; the part that has been suppressed and burried deep down - the 'you' i.e ready to pack it's guns nd go home, because it knows that no one actually 'wins' a war.
 Find yourself, who you really are. Love yourself for all your flaws. Believe that you're not what you think. You're not the mistakes you've made, but what you've learned from it. You're more like the songs on your playlist, the shows you watch and the things you doddle around. You're not that pimple on your nose, you're not those grades of the semester that you flunked. You're much more beyond your ranks in a class test. You're your favorite band, your favourite flavour of the ice cream or the favourite toppings on a pizza.
 Basically, you're everything you love and way beyond what you look like or what someone sees you to be like. You're an amazing piece of art, within yourself, which you yourself have created.
Be proud to announce, that you're different and better.
Be proud to know that you're what you've wanted to be and fall in love with it !! 

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