Friday, 26 January 2018

Everything changes with time ✌

Everything fades..
Eventually, everything does !!
 From your clothes to your interests,
From living every minute to killing very second,
From taking approvals to go out to ditching plans and staying home..
 They say, change is the only constant thing but never say that love for someone changes if you don't say what they want to hear;
Then they'll judge you instantly for the change in you, but they'll never try to figure out what actually triggered it. And those beautiful days change into darkest nights in no time...
Because nobody will ever know what you know about yourself. They might loves you unconditionally, guide you in the  toughest times, walk you through those important days of your life but everything changes with time is worth noticed...
It's you, who's getting immune to all such changes, choosing joy over regrets. It's you, who's letting go and moving forward..
So you should get the most of your time and must let ang change affect you in a good way. Because in the end, being stronger than you were yesterday is the best change !!

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