Tuesday, 20 February 2018

Allow yourself !! 🤘

Allow yourself to realize you are more esteemed to this universe than you think. 
Allow yourself to feel love for, not only other people, but for you as well.
Allow yourself to be happy , to appreciate life, to go out on that weekends you'd much rather stay lying in bed where you'd eventually regret your decisions.  
Allow yourself to enjoy the mini stuff in life, as they may not always last.
Allow yourself to focus on positive aspects of life and realize that constantly worrying about every little things will only discard the amazing traits about yourself. 
 We too often allow ourselves to get wrapped up in the negative aspects of our life, always desiring we were better or we could've done something different. May be it wasn't the best decision but you chose and acted on it and now, there is no reversing it. The point is, we shouldn't be scared of being happy. And especially, never forget that your endurance means something more than you can perceive & you do have a point in this life , even if you may not know what it is now !!

Saturday, 17 February 2018

Is it okay??

Everybody needs to be told "it's okay.."
It's ok if you can't achieve everything,
It's ok if no one understands you,
It's ok that you're finding it hard to make friends,
It's ok that you failed your exam,
It's ok that you're nervous on your first day at work,
It's ok that you can't buy that white pair of shoes,
It's ok that you can't buy your Favorite brands,
It's ok that you're not yet where you want to be..
It's ok that you're hurting and haven't move on,
It's okay... It's totally fine ;
You have got days and weeks and years ahead of you to make things better, to do stuff that makes you happy. It might not happen as soon as you want it to but one day, it will be.. Accept the fact that good things take time and as long as you work hard for it, it's not impossible. Right now, tell yourself, it's okay that you're taking time because when that moment comes, it will be worth it...!!

Friday, 9 February 2018

Reminiscing of God 👼

If my days were untroubled and my heart always light,
Would I seek that fair land where there is no night ?
If I never knew sickness and never felt pain,
Would I search for a hand to help and sustain?
If I walked without sorrow and loved without loss
Would my soul seek solace at the foot of the cross?
If all I desired was mine day by day,
Would I kneel before God and earnestly pray ?
If God sent no winter to freeze me with fear,
Would I yearn for the warmth of spring every year ?
I ask myself these and the answer is plain,
If my life were pleasure and I never knew pain - I'd seek God less often
And no one knows God or sees him as plain-
As those who have met Him on the "Pathway of Pain "

Friday, 2 February 2018

Convert your negative emotions..

Why label your negative emotion with a single word?
 For example: “I am sad", but don't try to understand it. Because your brain will focus on the word “sad” and provide you answers about why you are sad. But you do not need to know why you are sad, you actually need to know how you can be happy. 
Immediately replace the negative word with a positive word: “I am not happy". Now is time to understand why you are not happy. You will see that your mind will focus on the word happy and provide solution for you about what to do to be more happy. But don't stop here, follow next step.
Start repeating in your mind the word “happiness". Even better, you can write down on a piece of paper the word “HAPPINESS" with caps. Do this reinforcement of the word “happiness", at least 35 times. Then, start researching about the word: happiness. Read about what happiness actually means. Give times to activities that makes you happy. You will discover a magical new world, that you never knew about yourself. No matter you were going through, there is a light at the end of the tunnel  and it may seems hard to get to it but can do it and just keep working towards it and you will find the positive sides of things..Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you will start having positive results..