Sunday, 31 December 2017

Change will make difference 😇

Change is the universal law...
You’ve to change with time..,
No matter what the situation is,
You’ve to change with the situation. You’ve to change with your requirements..!!
 Always try to change yourself for good reasons.. Not for wrong deeds..
It will always bring you unhappiness and discontentment.
Always try to change yourself before make a change to others..
Change yourself internally,
But never change yourself externally. Change your mindsets for good. Change your perspectives for good. Change your thoughts for good. Change your ideas for good.
Change your plans for good.
Change your decisions for good. Change your works for good.
Change your deeds for good.
A step wise
Never get afraid to change yourself for good, because only your good change will bring a huge difference in this world... !!

Friday, 22 December 2017

Trust your footsteps !! ✌

You're not always going to get it, sweet soul !! 
The purpose.. for what comes at you in this life. For what is taken from you & given to you. You're not always going to understand why some people and things stay with you & others are ripped from your grasp. You're going to have multiple questions..Tears... Dreams.. Fears and Hope.. You're going to be certain and unsure - strong & weak and everything in between. Sometimes all at once, but it's okay...; ðŸ˜‡
It may look like everyone has it all together but trust me it just looks that way. We're all out here trying to understand what we've done- what we're chasing - what it all means.. we're all writing our chapters, looking back a little too often but hoping like hell, it's all going to be Alright in the end. So, here's to life.. 
💫 Here's to not knowing what it all means but trusting our intentions. The brave heart standing out there in the middle of the darkness.. ðŸŒ“
Trusting your footsteps, ðŸ‘£
Believe in Yesterday,Today & Tomorrow 
It's going to be a spanking life.. !! ðŸ’¥

Thursday, 23 November 2017

Believe in YOURSELF !! ❣

Put together your favorite books, poems, movies and songs.
You will see how perfectly they reflect the deepest and best part of you.. The part of you that longs for freedom; the part that has been suppressed and burried deep down - the 'you' i.e ready to pack it's guns nd go home, because it knows that no one actually 'wins' a war.
 Find yourself, who you really are. Love yourself for all your flaws. Believe that you're not what you think. You're not the mistakes you've made, but what you've learned from it. You're more like the songs on your playlist, the shows you watch and the things you doddle around. You're not that pimple on your nose, you're not those grades of the semester that you flunked. You're much more beyond your ranks in a class test. You're your favorite band, your favourite flavour of the ice cream or the favourite toppings on a pizza.
 Basically, you're everything you love and way beyond what you look like or what someone sees you to be like. You're an amazing piece of art, within yourself, which you yourself have created.
Be proud to announce, that you're different and better.
Be proud to know that you're what you've wanted to be and fall in love with it !! 

Thursday, 9 November 2017

Give wings to yourself !!

Don't undermine your worth by comparing yourself with others,
It is because we are different that each of us is special..
Don't be afraid to encounter risks,
It is by taking chances that we learn how to be brave..
Don't shut love out of your life by saying it's impossible to find;
Don't set your goals by what other people deem important...
Only you know, what is best for you !
Don't give up when you still have something to give,
Nothing is really over, until the moment- you stop trying..
Don't let your life slip through your fingers by living in the past or future..
By living your life one day at a time, you live all the days of your life..
The quickest way to receive love is to give love..
The fastest way to lose love is to hold on too tightly,
 And the best way to keep love is to give it wings.... !!

Sunday, 1 October 2017

Our journey of Life

Life is always uncertain..
It's an ordinary curtain !!
Life gives you multiple surprises..
Sometimes it gives you beautiful prizes;
 In life, both happiness nd sorrow..
Come one after another in a row,
When it says good-bye..
When everything remains lie;
Sometimes it shows you green trees..
Invites you with its delicious fruits,
And sometimes it gets off with its bitter fluids;
Before anything going too late..
Open your life's gate,
And Achieve something great;
We all here are travellers ,
Nobody is permanent dwellers..
Learn to laugh, learn to weep..
But as ling as you survive,
Always try to revive...
Because it's our journey of LIFE.. !!

Wednesday, 20 September 2017

We have to be awake

Sometime life is hard, and there is so much we still don't understand.
We feel alone and all we have is just ourself.
We talk them over and things still don't make sense.
Like a single raindrop in a sea of emotion
Dreams are empty hours wasted on missed devotion
We have been told in time it gets better.
But we hate things to be like this; it's worse than ever.
Have we been jinxed, or maybe we didn't wake up yet.
We have to be awake;
This hurts, with pain and real sweat.
All we can do is pray we go to a better place.
It can be in our head, heart, soul, and body ...
The inner place...

Friday, 8 September 2017

Secret of happiness

          Happiness is a must in life. But what on earth is happiness? Some people are happy when they've made money, while others are happy when they've found their true love... Evidently, 1000 people will have 1000 different definitions of happiness.. 
       We all know people who have a relatively easy and comfortable life, and yet are essentially unhappy. And people who have suffered a great deal but generally remain happy. Therefore, happiness is actually of one's own making...;
 If you have a positive attitude and are determined to find the little happiness of life, you are destined to be jolly...
   Secondly, happiness lies in the struggle to be happy. People sometimes go to extremes, and frantically pursue money, power, high social status, etc., which are all symbols of success-but never of happiness. Perhaps if they shifted their life's goal from ultimate success to unswerving efforts and to a confidence that they will be successful one day, they'd be surely much happier...

Wednesday, 30 August 2017

Your task to win...!!

If your task is to touch the sky, you must overcome it's limits..
If every time you're thrown, you've to fly again;
If your task is to cross the ocean, you must overcome it's tides..
If every time you're drowned you've to swim again;
If your task is to win the battle, you must overcome your weakness..
If every time you're defeated, you've to fight back again;
If your task is to climb the mountains, you must overcome it's height..
If every time you're fallen, you've to get up again;
If your task is to complete the race, you must overcome the tough opponent..
If every time you're have to run again and again
If your task is to win..never ever generate a hope of losing...

Tuesday, 8 August 2017

Never mind FAILURE

Failure is only a momentary,
It's a act temporary;
No Doubt It bends your mode,
But it can;t block your road;
 Even Success is not permanent,
You need your temperament;
 Your hope is your only golden ray,
That shows you, your hidden way;
   Don't cry'
   Never say die !!
Try to get up, Try to rise up;
 When you turn failure into success,
Then you will definitely get full access;
Never mind FAILURE;
  Your failure is the stepping-stone,
 which leads you to the ultimate milestone !!

Wednesday, 2 August 2017

Life is strange with its twists and turns

When things go wrong as they sometimes will,
When the road you're trudging seems all up hill,
When the funds are low and the debts are high and
 you want to smile, but you have to sigh..
When care is pressing you down a bit,
Rest if you must, but don't you quit..!!
 Life is strange with its twists and turns,
As everyone of us sometimes learns
And many a failure come out..
When he might have won had he stuck it out;
Don't give up though the pace seems slow,
You may succeed with another blow..
Success is failure turned inside out,
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt,
And You never can tell just how close you are,
It may be near when it seems so far;
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit-
 It's when things seem worst that you must not quit..!! 

Saturday, 29 July 2017

Cherish the good & remove the bad

Time flies, and memories fade..People change and new friendships are made..;
Only the true remain forever at our side...Eventually the disappointment and

 pain will subside..;
It is all about the journey and what has yet to come.
Life is what you make of it; you are what you've become.
Life is too short to hold onto regrets...;
Forgiveness is key even though you may never forget.
Cherish the good and remove the bad...
Some people don't realize till it's gone what they've had.
Moving on is a way of life....!!
There will always be obstacles, pain, and strife.
You must believe that you are strong enough to fight.
You have to believe in yourself to do what is right. 
Always do for YOU no matter what you do,
Because in the end the only one who has your back is YOU..!!

Thursday, 20 July 2017

Why we are living ??

Why do some people live and some people die?
Why are fish in the sea and birds in the sky?
Why do we see monsters under the bed,When the only real ones are in our head?
Why are promises broken and secrets told?
Why do they make our blood run cold?
Why do some people live and some people die?
Why do we believe when someone says, "Always"
Why don't we just stop counting the days?
Why are lies spread for no reason at all?
When all we want to do is make someone else fall?
Why do some people live and some people die?
Why do people differentiate between rich and poor?
Why all the restrictions are on girls not on boys?
Why do people differentiate between hindu, muslim and other religion?
Why ??
-These are some thoughts that tells us we are living a life but only for yourself.. everything is around us but no one wants to see or no one wants to know the reason... !!

Saturday, 15 July 2017

A chance

It's impossible- said the pride,
It's risky-said the experience,
It's meaning less-said the common sense,
GIVE IT A CHANCE- whispered the heart !!

Tuesday, 11 July 2017


 It's hard to believe how we can keep balance
 Between this world and Wonderland..The world of fantasy is just so alluring,
 How we can dive in and get lost..Build worlds without any cost.
 The only cost of living in fairyland is time;
Time won't stand and wait for you..
As you dream about things that won't come true,
But it pulls you in and keeps you there..You want to stay and not go anywhere..;
The world we live in, it moves too fast.It will call you out and release you from its grasp..Because we all have our way to go and promises to keep..So we can only go
there when we are asleep..
how we wish it to come true..
but not everything in this world goes the way we want it to..!!

Wednesday, 5 July 2017


When things in your life are adrift and you don't know what's going to happen, focus on the things you are sure of. Spending time wondering about things you have no control over drains your energy. Allow yourself to focus on all that's good in your life and let the rest play out.

Friday, 30 June 2017

Believing in yourself

Believing in yourself is such an important part of being happy and living a fulfilled life. Remind yourself daily that you are courageous and capable of doing whatever it is you set your mind to. Don't let anything or anyone make you feel inferior...YOU are in control, not them!

Thursday, 15 June 2017

The story

Stepping into something new is often times frightening. The story we tell ourselves is so important as it serves as our guidance system. When you tell yourself that you can't, that becomes your reality. Believe in yourself, your power, and your ability to do what you need to do to move forward.

Thursday, 8 June 2017

Who we really are?

The inner struggle we feel when we judge ourselves is real. The feeling of lack or not being good enough steals the joy of being who we really are? The answer to this question is Lill being selfish.. Be at peace with yourself...your body...your personality...your dreams! You are exactly who you are supposed to be...embrace it and live your life at peace.BE YOU !!

Wednesday, 24 May 2017

People you choose

Take a look at the people you choose to spend your time with. Make sure they are positive, uplifting people who build you up, not tear you down. It's our job to weed out the negative, soul-sucking people who want nothing more than to complain and argue. We deserve better!

Friday, 28 April 2017


Believing in yourself is such an important part of being happy and living a fulfilled life. Remind yourself daily that you are courageous and capable of doing whatever it is you set your mind to. Don't let anything or anyone make you feel inferior...YOU are in control, not them!

Monday, 24 April 2017

A better morning

Ever had one of those mornings where nothing goes right? Don't let that define your entire day...take a moment and regroup. Take a couple deep breaths and realign your thoughts and allow yourself to get back in the groove. Too many people allow their entire day to be ruined because of something that happens in the morning and it doesn't have to be that way! Fill your mind with good thoughts and your day will be better

Tuesday, 18 April 2017

Be YOU !!

We are all magnificently different beings. There is no"one size fits all" rule for living life. What works for me may or may not work for you. It's our job to discover what feels best for us and have the courage to live that life. There is nothing worse than thinking you haveto be a certain way to fit in. Find what works for you and feel the joy that comes from it! BE YOU!

Monday, 17 April 2017

Replace limiting thoughts

Do you look at your life through eyes of excitement, or limiting thoughts? Do you wake up in the morning ready for all things possible or do you tell yourself what you can't do? Fear will keep you from living your best's limiting and paralyzing. Replace limiting thoughts with thoughts of excitement and anticipation. Get excited about your life and live large!

Thursday, 13 April 2017

Walk away

What do you do when you work with a disrespectful and rude person? You ignore them and keep being yourself! You remind yourself that a person who spends their time demeaning others has far bigger and deeper problems. Smile, walk away and remember that life is too short to deal with jerks!

Tuesday, 11 April 2017

Make a commitment

Don't let a problem or a problem person consume your thoughts. Do what you can then rise above it and live your life. There is no benefit in rehashing the problems...all that does is drain your positivity. Make a commitment to being the best you can be and move on. Protect your energy from being forced by the people those creates a problem to you !

Sunday, 9 April 2017

It's your choice

Once you have started seeing the beauty of life, ugliness starts disappearing..
 If you start looking at life with joy, sadness starts disappearing.
It's the matter of your own choice not what's others says about you is right for you.
Have the capabilities of differentiating.
You cannot have heaven and hell together, you can have only one.
 It is your choice to go ahead which way !!

Saturday, 8 April 2017

No one can control you

No matter what's going on around you, no matter what others are doing or saying,
 YOU are still in control of your own happiness your own thoughts! Never allow a negative person or a negative situation take your happiness away. YOU are the only one who can allow that to happen. Rise above the negativity and stand tall in your personal happiness..have the spirit of yeah i can do !!

Friday, 7 April 2017

A beautiful heart

A beautiful heart and soul are far more important than a beautiful face or body. Matter a fact, some of the most beautiful people I know don't have perfect figures or faces fit for the cover of a magazine. Their beauty shines from deep within giving them far more depth of beauty. Stop worrying about the shape of your body and focus on the beauty of your heart. Let that beauty wash over your face and shine brightly!

look for the good

Stop looking for reasons why something went wrong and start looking for the good. Sometimes things happen to get us to look at life differently. Just because a situation didn't turn out the way you wanted it to doesn't make it bad or wrong. Things happens also have some particular reason hide behind it..Open your mind and heart to the changes and see where you can benefit !!

Wednesday, 5 April 2017

life is meant to be lived

 Be passionate about your life....allow yourself to really love everything about your life. It's so easy to fall in a rut and become bored with life..shake it up and put some excitement back in your life! Life is meant to be it to the may not get the same chance boldly!

Negativity Alert !!

Negativity can creep into your personality and slowly change you without you noticing.
 It happens over time, with no forewarning. Don't give negative people the power to infiltrate your positivity! Take a stand and block them from stealing your happiness. Negative people are the ones who snipe at others, complain, and constantly look for what's wrong with life. Set them don't need what they are offering!

Sunday, 2 April 2017

Watch your mood lift

 Be aware of your thoughts...they are powerful and set the tone for your day.
Fill your mind with uplifting, positive thoughts and watch your mood lift!
 There are two ways to look at every is positive and one is negative
 but get in the habit of always looking for the positive!
Life is too short to be miserable!!

Saturday, 1 April 2017


 We are all magnificently different beings. There is no "one size fits all" rule for living life. There may be different situations for all. What works for you may or may not work for others. It's our job to discover what feels best for us and have the courage to live that life. There is nothing worse than thinking you have to be a certain way to fit in. Find what works for you and feel the joy that comes from it!

Friday, 31 March 2017

live your life !!

Do you remember when was the last time you did something for the first time?Are you the type person who loves to think about doing new things but doesn't for fear of failure? Or are you the person who doesn't allow fear or judgment get in the way and you do it anyway?Pick something that you've always wanted to do and do it! It doesn't have to be something wild like can be as simple as telling someone you love them, or asking for a raise, or traveling alone. Stretch outside your comfort zone and feel the excitement that comes with it...LIVE your life!

Thursday, 30 March 2017

Without troubles and hurdles

What is the definition of being sad?
From where it is obtained?

Anybody knows??
Someone says a heap of troubles is known as sadness ,
An interrupt in happiness is known as sadness,
Throwing pebbles in pleasant water is & the sound produced is also a kind of sadness,
But someone can explain the conclusion??
=without troubles and hurdles in your life, you can't enjoy the real happiness and that's start from the Feeling of a lill bit sadness !!

Wednesday, 29 March 2017

Memories hurt...Yes They Do :)

You too had a love story ?  Still in those memories ? Missing his/her ? just give it a second , a second to take and retake the memory as an experience. Give that second to judge whether your choice , decision, love,attraction,faith, whatever it was, was it worth it ? A memory lasts till you make it to do so. It hurts. Don't hurt yourself.

Shake off your blunders

Whenever you make a mistake or get knocked down by life, don't look back at it for too long. Mistakes are life's way of teaching you. Your capacity for occasional blunders is inseparable from your capacity to reach your goals. No one wins them all, and your failures, when they happen, are just part of your growth.Shake off your blunders.How will you know your limits without an occasional failure? Never quit. Your turn will come definitely !!

Friday, 24 March 2017

Don't compare yourself

     A person can do alot of progress with the help of other's...but if a person yearn to prove himself,he/she can do it greatly being alone only...
  So everyone should have their own convictions so that it can be proved that no one is weak in his/her own way Or don't compare yourself with others...

Monday, 20 March 2017

Watch Out !!

Stop !
Yes there has to be a stop in Life,
Can be resulting from a Milestone...
A moment awaited from past decades....
it needs to have a Halt...
Wait , Observe, Think, Feel , Value.
Rather then being running from the all sufferings you had in your past...
Be self-determined .....Out of strength?
follow the intuition...... Just say you want it( whatever you are upto)...
Stop hiding yourself , making excuses, blaming this, that , them...
it's just you and the phase....
Grab the opportunity even if it's hurting...
find yourself in a Turmoil ?
feeling exhausted ?
conceiving unwanted thoughts ?
great it's working..... Time to start it over from the beginning....

Saturday, 18 March 2017

Journey through life

The words you choose will have a great influence on the way feel. Your words will define who you are, how you think and how you relate with the people around you.Your journey through life will transform the way you think and the way you act. 
1. “I have done many things until now"
2. “I’m capable of doing it." 
3.“I have all that I need to be happy" 
4. “The choice belongs to me." 
5. “I will start today!"
6. “Can I help you with that?"
7."It represents nothingness…total silence."
When you’re silent, you can hear the silence around you. How every sound is born from silence and how it returns to silence, only to be born again.


Thursday, 16 March 2017

It's ok if you can't

It’s ok if you can’t motivate or encourage others, but

Never take away their confidence and self-worth;

It’s ok if you can’t wish good for others, but

Never wish bad things;

It’s ok if you can’t empathize or sympathize for others, but

Never be happy when they are going through bad times;

It’s ok if you can’t contribute towards someone’s growth, but

Never ruin their efforts;

It’s ok if you can't help others but

Never create problems;

it’s ok if you can't be happy when someone is happy ,but

Never be sad for it;

It’s ok if you can't use kind words but

Never use harsh words;

It’s ok when you can't give hope for others, but

Never build a mountain of hope, trust and break it into pieces.

Ask yourself are you cogent?

Cogent means a person having convincing abilities is a cogent person. Convincing abilities refers to satisfy the other person from you point of view about something. But a person can have the convincing only if he/she have a REASON. There must be a strong reason behind your point of view so that the other person don't have any second thought about your view point. A person with convincing skills can survive even more longer. There must be a question arises that convincing some according to own choice can be termed as forcing someone to be agree with you. But there is a main difference about the Reason. A reason is must to convince someone

Monday, 13 February 2017

learn to understand yourself first

A quotation says..if you want some changes then get started from your home itself..In tje same way if you want to change some others thinking..start from yourself first..and one of the best way to express yourself is by having self confidence !
Self-confident people are admired by others and inspire confidence in others. They face their fears head-on and tend to be risk takers. They know that no matter what type of problem they have to face, they have the ability to get over them.These type of people tend to see their lives in a positive light even when things aren't going so well, and they are typically satisfied with and respect themselves.