Sunday, 30 December 2018

Update yourself for the new beginning 👍

Everyone has a "New Year, New Me"  kind of persona when it comes to celebrate the end of the year and the beginning of a new one, but no one really acts upon it though, it's a complete bashfulness(shame).
It's a new year and you do have to reinvent yourself in ways never thought possible. Start by forgiving yourself for all the flaws in your life and then forgiving others. Once you feel content with yourself, that's when it's time for you to transform, make this new year's a chance to become a better version of yourself and actually put some efforts into it, otherwise you're going to  be dealing with same old issues, constantly, throughout the duration of your lifetime if nothing is done about it.
Make sure you push yourself to do things you never thought of doing before, because if you don't explore the world around you and are stuck in a bubble of your comfort, then you're not living your life.
Let this year, be the year you start working on your weak spots, instead of fortifying them.
Let this year, be the year you become who you ought to be, even if it means turning back and returning to square one.
Let this year, be the year you focus the limelight on the nicer parts. There will be days you just can't do life, but embrace even those moments. Don't let them blemish your zeal.
Make this new year's a day where you begin to explore yourself, learn to understand your feelings & your emotions and take control of every aspect of your life.

Friday, 7 September 2018

Be your own HERO 😎

When you look outside yourself, there will always be uncertainty and doubts. No matter who gives you the answer you are looking for, whether it be an esteemed doctor with a multiple PhD's in his field, a psychic or your closest ones; their answers will always come from their own experiences not yours. Start looking within and get to know yourself more to know what's right and what isn't for you. You're the only person destined for your own path and life, so start living it and make the decisions you've been so unsure of. The society doesn't know you more than you know yourself. Give yourself a chance and trust your instincts. I know the pressures you get from society, family, other people and your work can be threatening but don't settle for what they claim is best for you when they're not walking your path.
You'll create your own future - so dream big, know that anything is possible, love yourself, treat people with kindness, stay persistent and the next time when you walk outside - strut like the world is yours. Chin up ! You've got so much to create and bring into existence. Be your own driver for the race called LIFE. Stay positive and don't let anyone tell you how to live your life.. !!

Saturday, 11 August 2018

Love yourself on your own terms..

 It took me a long time to realize that you can do everything right and still end up unhappy. You can say all of the right things, do exactly as you are told, follow in the footsteps of all the people who swore by their success and their strategy surrounding it, and you can still end up displaced – because you didn’t ever choose to simply listen to yourself. The best thing I ever did for myself was simply listen to what I actually wanted. I drowned out the guidelines, the advice, the “shoulds”.  And I messed up! I made mistakes that I’ll never forget. I hurt people I loved, and I got hurt. See, self discovery isn’t this comfortable, miraculous thing. It can get ugly, it can get confusing. It’s gritty, it’s hard. It’s difficult to confront yourself sometimes, it’s difficult to be the person who does things differently, who doesn’t settle.  But it’s the greatest gift you will ever give yourself. It’ll push you towards figuring out what your own personal version of happiness looks like;
And when you grow on your own terms, when you figure out what actually matters to you, and when you carve out your own path, you live on your own terms. You love yourself on your own terms. You become the person you’ve always wanted to be, rather than the person you were always told to be, and that’s beautiful. Because when it comes down to it – life is about making yourself proud on your own terms. It’s about finding yourself within. It’s about finding a happiness that works for you.     

Sunday, 15 July 2018

Imperfections like a candle 🔥

You are more than just a merely lit candle flame who is waiting to take it's last breath as it melts to death. 
You are more than that melting wax which still glows for others knowing that it will die.
You are more than the base where the candle resides, which helps it to stand knowing that the only gratitude it will receive is burns. 
You are more than hot silver blade scarring with which you draw and the image turn red. 
How can you being someone so perfect feel so insecure?
How can you be so loving but still hate your own guts?
How can you be so strong yet draw on your arms and watch the blood flow, yet be satisfied marking your imperfections ?
Your are not perfect. Your imperfections makes you human. 
You're the flame strong enough to make the world bright for the ones you love.
You're the wax with an iron heart who is melting but still standing strong.
You're more than the candle's base supporting a way to light the world.
You're beautiful human with your imperfections like a candle.
 It has its good as well as bad times. It shows us light in the dark and disappears leaving darkness in our hearts. But as we say, everyone has their own way of observing things;
You may compare yourself to the dying candle or the candle being a source of light. 
You can be your own voice, after all it's your choice..!!

Sunday, 1 July 2018

Mind your inner peace ❤

Let’s go back from where we started;
Let’s go back from where we created differences;
What is the need to be so tensed or put pressure on our mind?
Just because of the fact that people will judge. They might have questions on you for what you’re choosing. If you are satisfied and at peace, nothing really matters. You know what you are doing and you are ready to face both good and bad consequences of it in life. So, just breathe and relax!
Everything will be sorted one day or the other. You can’t figure out things right now but you will be able to identify in future and may be that outcome will be better than what you’ve imagined but on right time. You will settle in all aspects of life but as it all goes don’t put stress on your mind the most essential part that can affect your physical as well as mental well being. Because you might gain all the things you want right now but you’ll lose peace for lifetime. There are countless benefits of inner peace.
For example:- A sense of inner happiness and bliss. 
Better concentration ability. 
More patience, tolerance and tact. 
Freedom from stress and anxieties, and many more.
  So, when life is good, make sure you enjoy and receive it fully and when there are some bad moments, remember that it will not last forever. The real peace resides only within YOU..!!

Saturday, 19 May 2018

Take time for yourself..!!

Whether you stuck in a crowded train or just taking a sip of your favorite drink. 
Whether you're having a rough day or just in need of motivation to get out of bed.
Whether you're in middle of something important or just scrolling your feed to take a break from your typical routine.
Whatsoever you are doing right now, take a moment for yourself, just few minutes..
Take your time and think of all those little things that makes you happy and joyful..

Those long early morning walks you take because the weather was too good;
That favorite series you watched for the hundredth time because it leaves you with the same laughter every time you watch it;
The days you took off to go to a little trip for yourself that waited your visit for a long time;
Or the days you took off to just sit back doing nothing;
The extra long shower you took or the fresh air that caressed you after having a long day;
The nights you dossed off listening to the sound of rain hitting your window pane;
Buying yourself your favorite food or favorite drink when you had your tough time;
the last time you spent on reliving some of your childhood memories;

 All those little things always find its way to bring a smile on your face so effortlessly.
Take a break and do those kinds of things often just because you feel like or 
Some times for no reason at all. You deserve all these happiness and they make your soul vibrant. 
As I sat back and remembered all the little things that made me happier, I realised they aren't any little...!!  

Wednesday, 25 April 2018

Life is not a competition.. ⏳

Do What Makes You Happy...
Yeah! Stop here and read it again..;

People tends to look for a complicated solution to a problem, when most things are just plain straightforward. 
If you're not enjoying yourself at what you're doing, change it.
If you're still not enjoying, again change.
There is literally a ton of possibilities out there and it's a shame that most people just settle for comfort instead of enjoyment.
People tend to forget that life is a process. It is a long-term game.
Don't rush to it...
You can change and change again and still you've a long way ahead. Also, remember that Life is not a competition. 
The truth is most people don't even know what they're doing, why they're doing it and many more. 
You're just looking up to someone who is also clueless and it's almost hilarious yo think about it. Comparing yourself to others doesn't actually help with anything. Find the stuff that makes your soul sing & be your own uniquely beautiful self..!! 

Wednesday, 11 April 2018

WE Choose Not to BELIEVE !

Stop running after people with a hope to find that happiness, 
To find that cure for your loneliness, To fill that emptiness you feel inside everytime you're left alone in the night to contemplate your thoughts;
The thoughts that horrify you ,
Making you think if,
 Staying awake is a greater nightmare than falling asleep.
People don't have the cure to these, 
You & only you have the ability to cure yourself...
For if you make your mind that nothing can ever get better ,
Or thay sun will never shine again.
It won't,
But only for you..
Because the sun will shine, things are going to get better,
Except you won't see them until you removed those presupposed conceptions.
 Our pessimism, our thoughts control how we perceive things and sometimes, even if They Are There, We Choose Not To BELIEVE In Them.!!

Friday, 30 March 2018

My LifeLine ❤

When I was all alone..
Searching for a mate,
Almighty! Brings up a ray of endurance.
That’s the day to behold my real happiness;
Yeah! you made me realize,
You made me learn how to smile;
Gone are the days, when I lived alone..
It’s time to create unforgettable memories.
We’re the slice of the same DNA,
that makes us unique, flows in our veins.
Circumstances may change tomorrow,
But your precedence will remain selfsame..
The moment my eyes laid rest on you,
I knew I’d found my love so true.
My partner in crimes ?
or The key witness in convictions?
You’re My Heartbeat..!! 
That means the WORLD to me...!!

Tuesday, 13 March 2018

A glance at mother.. ❤

She is an AnGel in life,
Someone's mother ,sister or wife.
She goes beyond the trench of pain,
Withstanding scorching sun and rain.
A mother gives her neonate,
Tactic jewels to the starlets,
Her love is perpetually unconditional,
Her heart has no counsel.
Her amour is approved by God,
By his hand she conceived the mold.
Her love is salubrious,
It's the fruit that dine our essence.
There's nothing she can't handle!
She's the burning candle, widening lucent;
Pushing darkness away, inviting to be fulgent.
She's is a lioness, don't mess with her;
She'll not relent you If you're a prankster.
She always put herself at menace,
She's real not fake..
Value her, Love her,
She's your UNIVERSE..!!

Thursday, 8 March 2018

Looking for happiness ??

Is it too slavish to be jubilant ??
Ever looked upon the reason ?
Happiness doesn't need to come from other people or from what's happening in your life. It's all about perspective and your own vibes. Nothing can stay same eternally. You may always have some grievance witihin you. There's always gonna be something that will not be perfect about your life, but you can choose not to focus on negative things and just realize that every little thing can bring joy to your life. Even if a random stranger smiles at you, if you got good grades on exams, if you see a friend after soo long. All these things can make you realize that you've soo many things that can be grateful for, just by paying attention of what's going around you.  You yourself can decide how you want to feel. Happiness comes within you, and no one else can give you that. It's not something that you can get from another person. It all depends on YOU, your mood lifts and your own vibes.. !!

Thursday, 1 March 2018

Stay KIND !!

The world is already drowning in so much negativity...
Be the person they didn’t anticipate,
Yeah! It aids to BE KIND...!!
Stay kind because it is so easy to stay cruel and selfish today,
but To stay kind takes courage and firmness..
People can do anything to ruin the kindness in you,
But that should not fear you..;
Stay kind because from where you brew this kindness, you’ll make strength, determination &  much more.
Stay kind..
When times are smooth;
When times are prohibitive..;
Mould your kindness into a shape, which can’t be changed in any circumstance.
Paint it like your canvas.. Use it as your weapon..
Stay kind and let this kindness sparkle light on the good as well as on the bad.
Stay kind to those who are kind to you,
Especially, stay kind to the unkind because you might be the person who gives them a second thought on why they choose to be unkind.
Let the beauty of your kindness blossom,
Let the strangers walking by stop to admire it..
Stay kind... not because you think it’ll make the world a better place,
Stay kind because it’ll make your world a better place...!!  

Tuesday, 20 February 2018

Allow yourself !! 🤘

Allow yourself to realize you are more esteemed to this universe than you think. 
Allow yourself to feel love for, not only other people, but for you as well.
Allow yourself to be happy , to appreciate life, to go out on that weekends you'd much rather stay lying in bed where you'd eventually regret your decisions.  
Allow yourself to enjoy the mini stuff in life, as they may not always last.
Allow yourself to focus on positive aspects of life and realize that constantly worrying about every little things will only discard the amazing traits about yourself. 
 We too often allow ourselves to get wrapped up in the negative aspects of our life, always desiring we were better or we could've done something different. May be it wasn't the best decision but you chose and acted on it and now, there is no reversing it. The point is, we shouldn't be scared of being happy. And especially, never forget that your endurance means something more than you can perceive & you do have a point in this life , even if you may not know what it is now !!

Saturday, 17 February 2018

Is it okay??

Everybody needs to be told "it's okay.."
It's ok if you can't achieve everything,
It's ok if no one understands you,
It's ok that you're finding it hard to make friends,
It's ok that you failed your exam,
It's ok that you're nervous on your first day at work,
It's ok that you can't buy that white pair of shoes,
It's ok that you can't buy your Favorite brands,
It's ok that you're not yet where you want to be..
It's ok that you're hurting and haven't move on,
It's okay... It's totally fine ;
You have got days and weeks and years ahead of you to make things better, to do stuff that makes you happy. It might not happen as soon as you want it to but one day, it will be.. Accept the fact that good things take time and as long as you work hard for it, it's not impossible. Right now, tell yourself, it's okay that you're taking time because when that moment comes, it will be worth it...!!

Friday, 9 February 2018

Reminiscing of God 👼

If my days were untroubled and my heart always light,
Would I seek that fair land where there is no night ?
If I never knew sickness and never felt pain,
Would I search for a hand to help and sustain?
If I walked without sorrow and loved without loss
Would my soul seek solace at the foot of the cross?
If all I desired was mine day by day,
Would I kneel before God and earnestly pray ?
If God sent no winter to freeze me with fear,
Would I yearn for the warmth of spring every year ?
I ask myself these and the answer is plain,
If my life were pleasure and I never knew pain - I'd seek God less often
And no one knows God or sees him as plain-
As those who have met Him on the "Pathway of Pain "

Friday, 2 February 2018

Convert your negative emotions..

Why label your negative emotion with a single word?
 For example: “I am sad", but don't try to understand it. Because your brain will focus on the word “sad” and provide you answers about why you are sad. But you do not need to know why you are sad, you actually need to know how you can be happy. 
Immediately replace the negative word with a positive word: “I am not happy". Now is time to understand why you are not happy. You will see that your mind will focus on the word happy and provide solution for you about what to do to be more happy. But don't stop here, follow next step.
Start repeating in your mind the word “happiness". Even better, you can write down on a piece of paper the word “HAPPINESS" with caps. Do this reinforcement of the word “happiness", at least 35 times. Then, start researching about the word: happiness. Read about what happiness actually means. Give times to activities that makes you happy. You will discover a magical new world, that you never knew about yourself. No matter you were going through, there is a light at the end of the tunnel  and it may seems hard to get to it but can do it and just keep working towards it and you will find the positive sides of things..Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you will start having positive results..

Friday, 26 January 2018

Everything changes with time ✌

Everything fades..
Eventually, everything does !!
 From your clothes to your interests,
From living every minute to killing very second,
From taking approvals to go out to ditching plans and staying home..
 They say, change is the only constant thing but never say that love for someone changes if you don't say what they want to hear;
Then they'll judge you instantly for the change in you, but they'll never try to figure out what actually triggered it. And those beautiful days change into darkest nights in no time...
Because nobody will ever know what you know about yourself. They might loves you unconditionally, guide you in the  toughest times, walk you through those important days of your life but everything changes with time is worth noticed...
It's you, who's getting immune to all such changes, choosing joy over regrets. It's you, who's letting go and moving forward..
So you should get the most of your time and must let ang change affect you in a good way. Because in the end, being stronger than you were yesterday is the best change !!

Tuesday, 16 January 2018

Sun too goes down 💫

The day you feel as if you are going downwards, remember that the sun too goes down to rise the other day..
Feeling worried won't make you or your tomorrow better,
Always remember..a warrior who rebels, Is the true fighter..
Be a bird, fly high..
Explore the clouds and feel heaven within, come down to survive and
Never let anyone catch you..
Let your life flow like water,
Free..wide.. beautiful..
Going through a lot and making experiences, making others happy and giving them meaning to survive and most importantly never ever leaving the hope to an end..!!

Sunday, 7 January 2018

Sometimes, It's beautiful 💕

There may be beauty in being thin, quiet and mysterious..
But there's gotta be beauty in the complete opposite too..
Sometimes it's beautiful to be too loud and speak your thoughts aloud the second they come to you, whether you're admitting love or making a bad joke..
Sometimes it's beautiful to take up space and look tired.. As you're pouring your third coffee for the day or eating another cookie because nobody else wants to be the old maid..
Sometimes it's beautiful to be clumsy and imperfect & everything in between and to drop another stack of papers & laugh about it while you snort, because at the end of the day nobody cares what you did at 8a.m..
Sometimes it's beautiful to be anything you want,
To be everything you want,
To Fluctuate between..
Thin and thick,
Quiet and loud,
Mysterious and obnoxious,
Sometimes it's all beautiful..
It's always all beautiful..
It's just about realizing that before the day is over...